Federal Agencies participate in CESUs within the scope of their respective missions and administrative structure. Federal agencies are substantially involved in CESU activities, working closely with host universities and/or partner institutions on research, technical assistance, and education. With multiple federal agencies working together with institutional staff, the potential for cost sharing, improved efficiency, and cooperative activities is significantly increased. Collaborative projects among agencies are encouraged and are facilitated through the CESU agreements.
To find the Federal Representative for each agency, please visit here.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Technical Representative: Jennifer Seiter-Moser; jennifer.m.seiter-moser@usace.army.mil
Signatory Administrative Representative: Sherry Whitaker; sherry.l.whitaker@usace.army.mil
U.S. Department of Defense
Technical Representative: Ryan Orndorff; ryan.b.orndorff.civ@mail.mil
Signatory Administrative Representative: Lori Kruse-Johnson; lori.m.kruse-johnson@usace.army.mil
Farm Service Agency
Technical Representative: Rich Iovanna; rich.iovanna@usda.gov
Administrative Representative: Aileen Anderson; aileen.anderson@usda.gov
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Technical Representative: John Carlson; john_carlson@fws.gov
Administrative Representative: Anna-Marie York; anna-marie_york@fws.gov
Forest Service
Technical Representative: Jacqueline Ott, jacqueline.ott@usda.gov
Administrative Representative: Angela Harris, angela.harris@usda.gov
U.S. Geological Survey
Technical Representative: Jason Lambrecht; jmlambre@usgs.gov and Brenda Densmore; bdensmore@usgs.gov
Administrative Representative: Faith D. Graves; fgraves@usgs.gov
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Technical Representative: TBD
Administrative Representative: Kadija Baffoe-Harding; kadija.baffoeharding@noaa.gov
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Technical Representative: Zach Jorgenson; zachary.jorgenson@bia.gov
Administrative Representative: Andi Wilson; andrea.wilson@bia.gov and John Mosley; john.mosley@bia.gov
Bureau of Land Management
Technical Representative: Kimberly Wahl; kwahl@blm.gov
Administrative Representative: Joy Grooms; jgrooms@blm.gov
Bureau of Reclamation
Technical Representative: Aaron Thompson; athompson@usbr.gov
Administrative Representative: Lindsey Nafts; lnafts@usbr.gov
National Park Service
Technical Representative: Thomas Parr; thomas_parr@nps.gov
Administrative Representative: John Bechtold; john_bechtold@nps.gov
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Technical Representative: Charles Rewa; charles.rewa@usda.gov
Administrative Representative: Aileen Anderson, aileen.anderson@usda.gov
Western Area Power Administration
Technical Representative: TBD
Administrative Representative: Jennifer Beardsley; beardsley@wapa.gov and John Russell; jrussell@wapa.gov