Research, Job, Internships

Research, Jobs, Internships

Students in wheat

This page contains announcements submitted by partners or other CESUs regarding activities, research opportunites, jobs and educational opportunities. This information is updated as we receive it, so please check frequently. is your place to find and apply for federal grants

Partners in Amphibian & Reptile Conservation


We are pleased to announce the launching of PARC's new online PARTNER EXPERT DATABASE! We developed this database to increase partnerships and collaborative working relationships among the herpetofauna conservation community. Users of the database can enter information about themselves (name, contact information, areas of expertise, species of expertise, etc.) and can also search for other members based on these data fields. We hope you find the PARC Partner Expert Database a useful tool for forging proactive partnerships to conserve amphibians, reptiles, and the places they live.

Please take a moment to enter your information (it should only take a couple minutes) to maximize the utility of the database, and to enhance one of the greatest assets of PARC

If you have suggestions for improving the database, please send them to